Daily Clean Multipurpose Floor Cleaner

Daily Clean Multipurpose Floor Cleaner is Detergent for automatic floor cleaner product imported genuine from Korea with best quality 

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Daily Clean Multipurpose Floor Cleaner
Daily Clean, Multipurpose Floor Cleaner

Daily Clean Multipurpose Floor Cleaner

Size 18.75L 

UHS floor cleaning(Parking Lot and typical Cleaning) 

- Detergent for automatic floor cleaner
- Effective on removing oily and water type stain on the wax surface
- Used for typical or heavy cleaning before reapplication of wax or as the ordinary 
- No residual after the application 

Method of Use 

- Different dilution according to the cleaning purpose 
* 1:1~1:5 for heavy cleaning 
* 1:5~1:10 for ordinary cleaning 
* 1:5 for wax reapplication 

- Spread the diluted detergent to soak the stain 
- Scrub the floor with the brush and clean it. 
- Wash the floor with the water.