Industrial degreaser chemicals

Industrial degreaser chemicals which hepls to remove stain from industrial oil, coffem tea, product is environmentally friendly , heavy duty industrial cleaner

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Industrial degreaser chemicals
Industrial degreaser chemicals, stains degreaser remover

Industrial degreaser stain remover, remover stains from tea, coffee, fruit.. on textiles imported genuine from Malaysia with good quality good price.

Industrial degreaser stain remover

Industrial degreaser stain remover, remover stains from tea, coffee, fruit 
on linen laundry, dry cleaning , industrial laundry

Information of products chemicals : Industrial degreaser chemical

Capacity : 20 L 

Features : degreaser remover dirt from fruit, tea, coffe... on linen
Manual of industrial degreaser remover 
Spray directly onto linen, wait within 1 minute and then wash with laundry soap.